Fiction & non-fiction books

Translation, editing & proofreading of classical and contemporary novels, history, music, art and theatre books. Among the authors translated: Charles Dickens, Anne Brontë, Will Self, Carol O'Connell


Subtitler for feature films, TV series, documentaries, audio commentaries, corporate and training videos

Travel & Lifestyle

Tourism, art, photography, food & wine, events, topical, sports, furniture, interior design for brochures, guides and magazines (Conde-Nast Traveller, Ikea Family Live, Baglioni, Charming, Dorchester, Toyota)

Children’s literature and games

Translation, proofreading and editing of children’s books: fiction, crafts, activities, nursery rhymes, history, geography, cooking, art history, science, mainly for the publisher Usborne

Translation and copywriting of children’s board and card games titles and instructions

Encyclopedias and Atlases

Translation of maps, indexes and text for the DK Italian Atlas of the World.

Translation, editing and writing for the Italian edition of Encarta Encyclopedia.

Translation into English

Pirandello’s Henry IV for the Tom Stoppard production

Academic articles for OUP


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